The History of the United Kingdom

The History of the United Kingdom
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2021-04-10 17:59:48
As it has already been said, the British Isles today are shared by two separate and independent states. The smaller of these is the Republic of Ireland, with its capital in Dublin. The larger, with London as its capital, is the United King­dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This long title (usually shortened to the United Kingdom or UK) is the result of a complicated history. The island of Great Britain contains three "nations" which were separate at earlier stages of their history: Eng­land, Scotland and Wales. Wales had become part of the English administrative system by the sixteenth century. Scotland was not completely united with England until 1707. The United Kingdom is a name which was introduced in 1801 when Great Britain became united with Ireland. When the Republic of Ireland became independent of London in 1922, the title was changed to its present form.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-10 17:59:48

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