Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson
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2021-04-12 01:38:54
1820, too, the Bronte family moved to Haworth, Mrs. Bronte dying the following year. In 1824 the four eldest Bronte daughters were enrolled as pupils at the Clergy Daughter`s School at Cowan Bridge. Charlotte, with her Byronic brother and her tragic sisters, have become the center of a great romantic legend, the cult of the Brontës. Charlotte is the central figure in this cult partly because (though she died at thirty-eight) she survived all the rest, partly because she wrote more that the others did, and at least in part because after her death she was the subject of a great biography. In this course paper you may get more information about life Charlotte Bronte and her novel Jayne Rayne

Дабавлено : 2021-04-12 01:38:54

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