Customs and traditions of Uzbekistan

Customs and traditions of Uzbekistan
Oliy ta`lim
Nashr etilgan yili:
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-12 00:05:48
Customs and traditions of Uzbekistan mavzusi haqida ma`lumot. Uzbekistan - the crossroads of civilization and the heart of Central Asia. The center of ancient caravan routes, its 2500 years of history are yours to explore. Set between the Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya rivers where “hospitality is ranked higher than courage” we will welcome you as part of our extended mahallya – our community family. Learn about friendly rural villages, ancient settlements, temples and tombs, some of the oldest cities in the world overlaid with recent history but proudly claiming their heritage.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-12 00:05:48

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