Influence of planting norms and harvest term on Sudan grass (Sorghum × drummondii) yield

Influence of planting norms and harvest term on Sudan grass (Sorghum × drummondii) yield
Oliy ta`lim
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2022-06-19 04:52:44
Sudan grass (Sorghum × drummondii) is grown after alfalfa and corn as the main fodder crops in developed countries. Sudan grass is a perennial plant that is resistant to salt and drought. This article provides information on the effects of planting Sudan grass at different rates and harvesting at different times in saline soils of the Syrdarya province, Uzbekistan, on plant growth, yield formation and nutrient quality. Sufficient results were obtained when Sudan grass was planted at 25 kg per hectare and harvested at 50% flowering phase. Experiments were carried out in soil-climatic conditions of the experimental production base of the Syrdarya Scientific Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Cotton Breeding, Seed Production and Cultivation Agrotechnologies

Дабавлено : 2022-06-19 04:52:44

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