Europen Journal of Molecular &Clinical Medicine. Texnological breakthrough of cotton cleaning enterprises fiber waste.

Europen Journal of Molecular &Clinical Medicine.    Texnological breakthrough of cotton cleaning enterprises fiber waste.
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Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2022-06-19 03:25:12
"This article describes the changes in fiber waste from the technological flow in ginning plants, how much it changes in the stages of the technological process. The dust released in the drying and cleaning shop is only 5-7 mg/m3 of dust, which is less than the air in the building where the drying equipment is located. Large dispersed dust particles separate even at high humidity and sink to the surface of the building without being able to spread. In drying units, dust emitted in conjunction with an atmospheric drying agent causes discomfort. Although this dust is coarsely dispersed, it escapes in the dryer along with the air stream and settles near the roof of the building and near the drying shop. The amount of dust emitted was found to be 500-600 kg per day. In the ginning unit, the released dust is released into the atmosphere from the cotton pneumatic transport system, which is formed in the air in the drying and cleaning shop, as well as in the cleaning of cotton in the cleaning machines. It is a dusty fiber with less mineral fractions. The fine fractions are mainly composed of crushed dirty particles."

Дабавлено : 2022-06-19 03:25:12

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