Justification Of The Cinematic Parameters Of The Oscillating Lattice Of Potato Harvesters

Justification Of The Cinematic Parameters Of The Oscillating Lattice Of Potato Harvesters
Oliy ta`lim
O`zbek tilida (kir.)
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2022-06-19 00:32:55
Abstract- The paper theoretically explores the work of a fluctuating potato harvester grate to separate the soil from the potato tubers using vertical oscillations in the separation of potato tubers. A link has been established between the flying phase and the tuber rip phase of the potatoes for the planes, which are horizontal with vertical oscillations and inclined with fluctuations at a certain angle. The altitude of the particles and the rate of the impact thereof with the oscillating plane are considered, which made it possible to determine the optimal parameters and kinematic modes of the separating working organs of the potato combine combine

Дабавлено : 2022-06-19 00:32:55

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