The main directions of improving the system of support and incentives for exporting enterprises

The main directions of improving the system of support and incentives for exporting enterprises
Oliy ta`lim
Bitiruv malakaviy ishi
Nashr etilgan yili:
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-21 05:32:23
The solution of such urgent issues is to eliminate the current deficit of foreign currency, to ensure the stability of our national currency “UZS” in foreign currency and, in the meanwhile, the development of our economy. Export and import operations are one of the most important and important areas of development not only of our country`s economy, but also of human development as a whole. It is through this network that the entire world community will be in a position of equality and mutual benefit. We can achieve this by establishing economic and social ties with the developed countries, building up our economy and building a society that is financially and spiritually mature for the future generations

Дабавлено : 2021-04-21 05:32:23

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