Irony in dramatic works

 Irony in dramatic works
Oliy ta`lim
Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-21 04:58:41
Sarcasm (Greek sarcasmos, sarkaro - exactly: I cut meat, bribe it) - comic type, one of the tools of art style; thought-provoking, based on the ridiculed, irreconcilable laugh. In sarcasm the attitude towards the object is not in the form of "soft, mild", "humorous", on the contrary, there is anger and hatred. It expresses a naked, insulting, blatant, and nudity-destroying object. Sarcasm has two cynical meanings, and these features differ from those of the accused or abuser. Although exposure is a hallmark of sarcasm, rejection is the main point. According to it, sarcasm is far superior to cynicism and it`s kind of war, madness, ridicule, mocking, humiliating laughter. Sarcasm is widely used in lyrical and dramatic genres, in publicist, humorous and comic books, and in public speaking.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-21 04:58:41

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