The role of acridotheres tristis in biotic connection

The role of acridotheres tristis in biotic connection
Oliy ta`lim
O`zbek tilida (lot.)
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-21 04:41:01
In the literature there are many materials on the study of the lane in different regions of Uzbekistan. But research on the factors determining their distribution and abundance in the Kyzylkum region is currently not conducted. Determining the main factors influencing the distribution and abundance of the lane in different biotopes of the region has practical importance in regulating the numbers and attracting the species, which is relevant especially for solving issues related to problem species. The main biotic relationships with other types of Startling are identified and described. The environmental characteristics of biotic relationships in the forms of proto cooperation, commensalism and competition, which are important in determining the role of Acridotheres tristis in the facilities are reflected.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-21 04:41:01

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