Development of an effective design and calculation for the bending of a gin saw cylinder

Development of an effective design and calculation for the bending of a gin saw cylinder
Oliy ta`lim
O`zbek tilida (kir.)
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-21 01:34:45
"The article presents a constructive diagram of a new saw cylinder and the results of a study of the bending of a gin saw cylinder, determining how to find the deflection and technological gaps, especially between the saw and grates of the gin and linter, within the limits determined by the technological regulations for ginning and lintering. The process of bending vibrations of a gin saw cylinder, having a package of working steel saws and aluminum gaskets between them, compressed by the longitudinal compression force communicated by the central shaft, is considered."

Дабавлено : 2021-04-21 01:34:45

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