Graduation theme: Effects of Mn and V on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-entropy alloys based on AlCoCrNi system.

Graduation theme: Effects of Mn and V on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-entropy alloys based on AlCoCrNi system.
Oliy ta`lim
Bitiruv malakaviy ishi
Nashr etilgan yili:
O`zbek tilida (lot.)
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-20 22:12:16
Uzbekistan has paid great attention to restoring itself from the first days of independence. Since our country’s industries and manufacturing were controlled by the Russian state we didn’t develop properly and became dependent on the Soviet system. The first President of the Republic of independent Uzbekistan, I.A.Karimov, managed to save and restore many industries in Uzbekistan for 25 years, to create new industries and attract foreign investors.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-20 22:12:16

Этот категорий

Pythonda matematik hisoblashlarni dasturlash

Nazariy mexanika

Nazariy mexanika

Fundamentals of scientific research and innovation

Oila tibbiyoti


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