The semantics of flora in phraseological units and ITS problem in translation into Uzbek.

The semantics of flora in phraseological units and ITS problem in translation into Uzbek.
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Ilmiy-ommabop yoshlar va bolalar uchun
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Ingliz tilida
Yaratilgan vaqti:
2021-04-20 18:15:12
This research work is mainly about the linguocultural aspect of the English units with the floristic component. In the work all types of floristic (phytophoric, plant) phraseological units of the English language were discussed and analyzed. Some of the methods, namely, the method of phraseological identification, component analysis, analysis of dictionary and encyclopedic data, methods of description and interpretation, elements of statistical processing of the material were used in order to make the work more clear and understandable. The work aimed to study the linguistic and cultural characteristics of English phraseology with a floristic component and further analysis of phraseological units with this component and reached its plans at the end of the research work.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-20 18:15:12

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