Language of emotion in the English and American literature.

Language of emotion in the English and American literature.
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2021-04-20 18:14:55
this work is about the emotional side of speech. Current research work tried to determine the role and place of emotions in the language system, and consider the degree of expression of emotions in the language, consider the emotional function of the word, to produce a continuous sample of vocabulary expressing emotions in the work of D. Dumoree “Jamaica Tavern” to determine which language tools are used to express emotions to classify emotions according to their types. Here we can see several methods like, method of analysis of scientific literature, descriptive method, and comparative method. This works shows that the main sources of expressive emotions are lexemes. After analyzing the work "Tavern" Jamaica ", we have considered examples where the lexeme is a different part of speech.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-20 18:14:55

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