Аncient masterpieces and the significance of Кamoliddin Bekhzod`s works

Аncient masterpieces and the significance of Кamoliddin Bekhzod`s works
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2021-04-20 17:58:45
The article outlines the ancient history of art, which begins with the Neolithic era. It is considered in the example of cave drawings. Teshiktash and Afrosiyab, Varakhshy and Panzhikensky walls. It also speaks of the great artist Kamaliddin Behzod who lived and worked in the era of Temur, about the significance of his works for today`s specialists. Through the portraits painted by Behzod, today we have an idea of the great historical figures.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-20 17:58:45

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