Le français parlÉ dans les romans policiers

The problematic issue of Slang in the English language

L’ordre des mots logiques et psycologiques dans la nouvelle de maurois semántica de los parónimas y homonimos

The problem of realia

L’analyse linguistique des propositions subordonnee circonstancielles de temps en français moderne

The influence of society to the vocabulary system of the language

L’analyse comparative du système des pronoms français et ouzbeks

"The effectiveness of teaching vocabulary through short stories

Interpretation des poemes surrealistes

The analysis of the category of modality in the novel `the picture of dorian gray’ by O. Wilde

Approche pedagogique des chansons françaises

Semantic features of english and uzbek names

Analyse sociolinguistique du vocabulaire substandard des personnes en précarité sociale

Rendering of noun determiners from English into Uzbek (articles)

Irony as a stylistic device in english literature

Adverbs in the english and uzbek languages

Phraseological units with the names of vegetables and fruits and their translation ways

The usage of slang in modern english

The problem of pronouns in modern english

Grammatical features of nouns in the english and Uzbek languages

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