Problems in Education and Society




Community association

Body Piercing

Northern type of English pronunciation

The methods of linguistic analysis used in modern lexicology

Types of intonation

Создание словарей международно-политических терминологий

Г.Пальмернинг чет тил ўқитиш методикасига қўшган ҳиссаси

Ingliz tili o’qitilishida sinfdan tashqari mahg’ulotlarining o’rni

Orol dengizi

Les curiosites de la France

Профессиональные заболевания и его профилактики

Les repas en France

The attribute clauses in Modern English

Шахсий гигиена асослари

Consonant changes in pre written periods

The adverbial modifier and ways of expressing it in Modern English