Дифенилтиокарбазон молекуласиароматикҳалқасининитролашреакциялариниўрганиш

Трихлорасителпирогаллол органик бирикмаларнинг тузлари иштирокида янги аналитик реагентлар синтези

Трихлорасителпирогаллол синтези

Бензодиоксан-1,4 ни -бромэтилфталимид иштирокида амидоалкиллаш рекцияcини ўрганиш

Differences meaning of antonym

Compouding in English and Uzbek language

General obstacles of onomastic units in Uzbek and English

Onomastic as lingo-poetic units

Role plays, real play and simulation as main communicative tools to improve students’ oral speech

Teaching grammar with fun learning games

The ways of translation of phraseological units with colors

The translation of metaphor and metonymy from english into uzbek in the works of E. Xemingway

Инглиз тилида предлогларнинг граматик хусусиятлари

Syntactical-semantic analysis of phrases with preposition “of” in modern english

The system of modality

The problem of modality aaaaand the modals

“Eaching english to young children”

Информатцион техналогиялар тизимида қисқартмаларнинг ўрни ва роли

Language economy as a linguistic novelty factor

Аbbreviations in the language sytem

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