Radio and television Mass Media

United Nations Organisation

The main peculiarities of phraseological units denoting human beings’ character in english and uzbek

Teaching English in comparison with Uzbek language

The Geography of Uzbekistan

Tashkent is the capital city of Uzbekistan.

The geography of the USA

Leading countries of Europe

International Conference

Theatres, Museums and Art Galleries in Uzbekistan

Sport in Uzbekistan

AQSH hamda Buyuk Britaniya mamlakatlarida SPORT

“Buyuk Britaniyada va AQShda tibbiy xizmat” Medical Service in Great Britain and the USA

Problems of friendship, love and family.

O`rta maktablarda ingliz tili talaffuzini o`rgatishda texnik vositalar va ulardan foydalanish

Essential problems of Planning of the lesson in English.

The usage sematic phraseologisms in English and Uzbek "Инглиз ва ўзбек тилларида инсон тана аъзолари билан боғлиқ ибораларнинг қўлланиши"

The semantic structure of polysemantic words used in Theodor Dreiser’s “Jennie Gerhardt” and methods of their teaching

Types, degrees and functions of word stress

Accentual tendencies in English