ARR Chestionare Atestate Profesionale

ARR Chestionare Atestate Profesionale

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Pregateste-te pentru examenul teoretic in vederea obtinerii atestatului/certificatului profesional ARR.

In aplicatia noastra de Chestionare pentru atestate ARR intrebariile sunt cele oficiale. De asemenea am creat designul aplicatiei sa semene cu cel de la sala.

Am structurat intrebariile din chestionarele pentru atestate si certificate ARR pe categori in asa fel incat procesul de invatare sa fie mai usor.

Pregateste-te intens pentru examenul de atestat cu ajutorul aplicatiei noastre de chestionare atestate 2019 - 2020.

Chestionare atestate ADR soferi si consilieri de siguranta
In aplicatia noastra gasesti de asemenea atestate pentru urmatoarele tipuri de categorii:
- ADR cisterne
- ADR clasa 1
- ADR curs de baza
- Consilieri de siguranta - clasa 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9
- Consilieri de siguranta - 1202,1203,1223

Chestionare Atestate Transport Marfa CPC
Pregateste-te pentru atestatul sau certificatul profesional ARR pentru conducatori auto transport marfa CPC. In aceasta categorie a certificatului de calificare profesionala continua se incadreaza urmatoarele categorii:
- Atestat transport marfa CPC
- Atestat transport persoane CPC

De asemenea acestor tipuri de atestate profesionale se adauga si certificatul de calificare profesionala initiala (CPI). Pentru aceasta avem listate in aplicatia noastra de chestionare urmatoarele categorii:
- Atestat transport marfa CPI
- Atestat transport persoane CPI
- Atestat transport marfa CPI scurt
- Atestat transport persoane CPI scurt

Atestate TAXI
Intrebarile din aceste chestionare pentru atestat taxi sunt aceleasi cu cele de la examenul teoretic ARR.

Atestate Transport in Regim de Inchiriere
In aplicatia noastra de chestionare pentru atestate profesionale 2020 gasiti si aceasta categorie de examen teoretic.

Atestat Instructori Conducere Auto
In aceasta categorie vei gasi resursele necesare pentru parcurgerea cu usurinta a chestionarelor legate de atestatul de instructor auto. Intrebariile din acest test sunt la fel ca cele de la examenul ARR pentru atestarea initiala ca si instructor auto dar si pentru reinoirea atestatului.

Chestionare Atestate Manager Transport Marfa, Persoane, Taxi si Inchiriere
Sustine examenul teoretic in vederea obtinerii unui atestat de manager, din una dintre categoriile de mai sus. Acestea sunt structurate pe capitole cum ar fi: Reglementari tehnice, Contracte contabilitate marketing si altele.
Prepare for the theoretical exam in order to obtain the ARR professional certificate / certificate.

In our ARR Certificate Questionnaire application, the questions are the official ones. I also created the design of the application to resemble the one in the gym.

We structured the questions in the questionnaires for ARR certificates and certificates into categories in such a way as to make the learning process easier.

Prepare intensively for the certification exam with the help of our certified questionnaires application 2019 - 2020.

Certified questionnaires for ADR drivers and safety advisors
In our application you can also find certificates for the following types of categories:
- ADR tanks
- ADR class 1
- ADR basic course
- Safety advisors - class 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9
- Safety advisors - 1202,1203,1223

CPC Freight Certification Questionnaires
Prepare for the ARR professional certificate or certificate for CPC freight drivers. The following categories fall into this category of the continuous professional qualification certificate:
- CPC freight certificate
- CPC passenger transport certificate

Also to these types of professional certificates is added the initial professional qualification certificate (CPI). For this we have listed in our questionnaire application the following categories:
- CPI freight certificate
- CPI passenger transport certificate
- CPI short goods transport certificate
- Short CPI passenger transport certificate

TAXI Certificate
The questions in these taxi certificate questionnaires are the same as those in the ARR theory exam.

Certificates Transport for Rent
In our application for questionnaires for professional certificates 2020 you can also find this category of theoretical exam.

Driving Instructors Certificate
In this category you will find the necessary resources to easily complete the questionnaires related to the driving instructor certificate. The questions in this test are the same as those in the ARR exam for the initial certification as a driving instructor but also for the renewal of the certificate.

Cargo, Passenger, Taxi and Rental Manager Certified Questionnaires
He takes the theoretical exam in order to obtain a manager's certificate, from one of the above categories. These are structured on chapters such as: Technical regulations, Marketing accounting contracts and others.
Дабавлено : 2021-02-23 17:03:06