Development of information economy in Uzbekistan

Development of information economy in Uzbekistan
Oliy ta`lim
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Ingliz tilida
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2021-04-11 03:38:42
Throughout human history, there are several steps that human society has consistently held in its development. These steps differ main way to ensure its existence and society view the resources used by man and play a major role in the implementation of this method. These steps include the steps of gathering and hunting, agricultural and industrial. Currently, the most developed countries of the world are in the final stage of industrial development stage company. They carried out the transition to the next stage, which, like the corresponding society, called "information." In this society, the determining role belongs information. Information is becoming a strategic resource. Infrastructure of society form the ways and means of collecting, processing, storage and distribution of information.

Дабавлено : 2021-04-11 03:38:42

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